I've been having a great time here, plain and simple. I am loving staying home with Max and meeting so many people from so many different cultures. it is just fascinating to say the least. In the past few months, I've met people from Dubai, Tunisia, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Egypt, USA, Malaysia, Indonesia. And that's just off the top of my head.
Max and I have been very busy with tons of playgroups, coffee meetings with other moms, music classes, art classes and, soon, a class called "Play Ball". The weather has been spectacular and I really have no complaints.
Last month, I had friends come visit. They were in Doha for two days and then went on to Oman and Dubai. I met them in Dubai and there are tons of pictures to sort through so I will have to wait to post those, but I do have a few.
Here are Hilary and me at the camel races in Doha.

Here are Casey and I in the lobby of the Burg Al Arab, the world's only "seven star" hotel

I did take a few "fine art photos" too:
The view of the Burg Al Arab from the beach

A close up

The world's tallest building

Sharks in the aquarium in one of the malls

A closer view of the tallest building.

Okay so on to our family vacation in Bahrain, a small island to the west of us. Bahrain was much like Doha in size but they are much more liberal....you can drink in any restaurants and seeing people in traditional dress was not as common. But really, Bahrain was slightly boring. There was not much to do and there are surprisingly few beaches for an island. However, the people were fabulous and we had a good time just being together. keith has been working almost every day since we got back from Christmas in the states and it was nice to see him relax.
The Pool

Keith and Max. Max does not like the flash

Mom and dad enjoy a night out to dinner

Around town

Last but not least, George. We have decided that we will take picture of George in every country we visit while we are overseas. Max never goes anywhere without him!

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