Anyway, we went to a lovely spa called Diva Lounge and got manicures and pedicures. After the spa, we went to "The Italian Job" restaurant and drank wine and talked about Doha and how we were settling in. It's so great to have other expats in the city because you can bond over so many things. Like how many times you've cried since you arrived. Just kidding. Kind of. Everyone seems to go through the same feelings of "have I made a mistake" and so forth, followed by days of really feeling comfortable. Everything just works differently here in Doha. A much slower, relaxed pace. And when you accomplish something normal, you feel a great sense of accomplishment. Example? I got gas at a gas station all by myself! What a feeling! And tomorrow, I plan to call a pediatrician and get Max an appointment! Yay!
It has been very nice having a backyard. I bought Max a backyard toy--half sandbox, half waterworks. He seemed to enjoy it and became a muddy mess within seconds. Hence, the clothes came off!
I think Max is still getting used to the whole outside thing...he's not used to just walking outside and playing--we used to have to go all the way to the city park for that!
Yesterday, we all went to Jungle Zone where Max played on some kiddie rides and we just walked around (which seems to be a poplular weekend activity). I bought the most expensive balloon ever made--$10. But the thing was too funny NOT to buy. Max loved it and "walked" him around for hours.
Well, that is the news to report for the last two days. I leave you with another funny, Doha fact.....when was the last time you saw one of these babys?
Yep, its a pull tab. That's how the soda comes here folks.