I have just returned from Palm Springs (I know I am such a traveler!). People must think I never work--I swear I do! I'm gearing up for a very busy wedding season and can't wait! My son, my sister and I went to visit our parents for the week. My husband Keith had to stay home and work. :(
Check out my parents pool. I just want to dive in.

Here is a flower in their back yard. I almost forgot what flowers look like after this winter in Chicago.

Here is my son, Max, looking happy, right before disaster struck....

...a fall into a mud puddle

For the rest of the week, Max didn't sleep very well and discovered something new....the temper tantrum. They occurred about every 15 minutes for the remainder of the trip. Here is my mother with the 40th tantrum of the day. Doesn't she look patient?

He seemed pretty happy helping my dad in the garden through...

Since I had my sister with me, I wanted to take some portraits of her--both because I don't have any and because I wanted some practice before my very busy wedding/portrait season starts in a few weeks. She's gorgeous.

Here are a few more. Yes folks, this is what my sister's skin actually looks like--I did not have to retouch these photos. She started wearing sunscreen faithfully at about 10 years old and this is the result. She should model for Coppertone or something.

I will leave you with a few images of California at night. I've always loved palm trees and here are some in my parents neighborhood.
