Yesterday, I happened to see a photography lab--one that I had not seen before. It looked relatively professional from the outside so I thought I would quickly pop in to ask about their services. Sounds simple, correct? Apparently not. The following is an actual conversation that happened.
Me: Hello, do you have a price sheet?
Lady: A what?
Me: A price sheet?
*Totally blank stare*
Me: hmmm, like a price list?
Lady: A what, madame?
Me: Prices? What are your prices?
Lady: Prices? *More blank stares from literally every person in the entire store, including customers"
Me: How much do you charge? What do you charge?
Lady: Charge, madame? For what?
Me: Printing pictures.
*Blank stare"
At this point, I honestly could not think of another way to phrase the question of "what are your prices".
We continued to stare at each other for another 15 seconds and I repeated.
Me: What do you charge for printing a photo?
Lady: OHHHHH!! A price for a photo? 6 riyal, maam, for a 6X9.
Me: Okay, any other sizes? Do you have a list?
Lady: *silence* *stare*
Me: Thank you, goodbye.
I'm thinking I'm not going to try out this particular photo la.