Yes, I have not written in a long while, but I have so many photos that I have to share. The latest and greatest is our desert safari that we went on the other day. We were picked up and driven into the desert in a Land Cruiser and taken on quite a tour! Our driver was racing up sand dunes bigger than houses at 40 to 50 miles an hour and we had no idea what was on the other side!! There were many people out in cars, dunebuggies and ATVs so it was quite crowded. It was thrilling and scary at the same time!
After the dune bashing, we were driven to the Inland Sea, where we had a chance to rest, take pictures and see the coast line of Saudi Arabia. We also got to ride some camels! After that, we were taken to camp, fed BBQ and rested in a Beduoin style tent. It was a lovely time and now for the photos!

In case you are wondering what it looks like to be on the back of a camel

Keith and Margaret on camels

Max and I on a camel

The coastline of Saudi Arabia, a place I never thought I would ever see

The Inland Sea

And now for some interesting pictures that I have taken as I've observed my new home the last few weeks. First, can someone PLEASE tell me what in tarnation this is? it was in the fruit aisle at the grocery store....and it was about four times the size of my head.

Next, another question I have. What goes on in the Filipino Health House?

I'm sure I've mentioned that I think certain people are a little, um, shall, we say, arrogant in the city I live? Here is an example. Something tells me the driver of this vehicle is far from handicapped, but that's just me.

Last but not least, Keith and I managed to find a speakeasy in town, which shall remain nameless, but suffice it to say, it was full of Brits and Aussies and there was a LOT of beer.

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